Opening Reception: Nourishing and Flourishing Exhibit

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

Opening Reception and Artist Panel: Friday, September 22nd, 2023 at 5:15pm Light refreshments will be served.   This exhibit is an exciting collaboration between EAT/ART space, the pop-up gallery from a dining room in Johnson City, TN, and Create Appalachia, a non-profit dedicated to supporting professional development in the arts. We're exploring the intersection between artists, food, and our […]

Nourishing and Flourishing: Tea, Truffles, and Art in Create Appalachia’s Kingsport Gallery

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

DATE: Thursday, November 16, 6 PM to 8 PM Location: The Gallery at Create Appalachia’s Kingsport Center for Art & Technology, 225 W Center Street, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660. Admission: $18 per ticket for members, $20 for non-members purchased online. $21 per ticket at the door.   Registration HERE   KINGSPORT, TN: Three regional non-profits are […]

Work For Yourself@50+

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

January 9th | 2-4pm | Create Appalachia, 225 W Center Street, Kingsport, TN We're excited to host this workshop, offered by AARP, Founder's Forge, and Create Appalachia. Are you thinking about starting a business? Join us to learn how to select an idea and validate it. Visions Empowerment will share important information to consider when […]

Placing Your Work in Galleries and Exhibits With Katie Edwards

Date: Tuesday January 9th, 6-8 PM Location: Fischman Gallery, 133 N Commerce Street, Johnson City, TN REGISTER HERE This class will serve artists looking to answer calls for entries, as well as those who want to place their work in galleries for sale. Katie will offer her best advice about how to avoid some of […]

Get Paid What You’re Worth: Master Pricing and Overcome Objections

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

Date: January 16th Time: 6p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Register Here Are you an artist or creator struggling to confidently price your work and navigate tricky client negotiations? Uncover the secrets to earning what you deserve in the dynamic world of artistic endeavors with our new workshop, "Get Paid What You're Worth." This course is meticulously […]

At Home in Lower Appalachia: Digital Images by Emmalee Barbour

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

Featured Image:A Rest by the Crick Barbour, a recent graduate of ETSU's Digital Media department, makes her regional debut in this show. Her images are a study in lighting, evoking a sense of freedom and play. They capture the beauty of living and making a home on an Appalachian family farm. Some of these are a […]

Opening Reception: At Home In Lower Appalachia

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

Date: Thursday, February 1st,2024 No Charge for Admission (Donations Welcome) 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Artist Talk at 6:30. Light refreshments. The images in At Home in Lower Appalachia were taken on Emmalee Barbour’s family farm in Chuckey Tennessee. They are a study in lighting, evoking a sense of nostalgia and a childlike sense of freedom and play. […]

Small Business Resources For Creatives: Turn Your Passion Into a Legitimate Venture

Create Appalachia Center for Art & Technology-Kingsport 225 West Center Street, Kingsport, TN, United States

Date: February 22, 2024 Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. REGISTER HERE   After attending a previous session of this class led by Aundrea Salyer, one participant wrote, “Honestly, I didn’t know that I needed this class as much as I did.” Don't miss this opportunity! Are you an artist or creator ready to transform […]

Organize Your Printed Photos

Johnson City Center for Art & Technology (JCCAT) 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City, TN, United States

February 24, 2024 10 AM to 12 PM  Location: Create Appalachia’s Johnson City Center for Art & Technology, 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City, TN 37604 Admission: $55 REGISTER HERE  Have you ever wondered how you'll ever organize that huge stash of old photos and negatives you've been storing all these years? Create Appalachia and […]

Streamlining Your Social Media Content (Intermediate Level)

Johnson City Center for Art & Technology (JCCAT) 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City, TN, United States

6 to 7:30 PM Create Appalachia's Johnson City Center for Art & Technology 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City REGISTER HERE Social media can be a powerful amplifier of your work and put your portfolio in front of clients, buyers, and connections. This intensive one-evening workflow workshop is tailored for artists and creatives who want […]

Intro to Photoshop with Alice Salyer

Johnson City Center for Art & Technology (JCCAT) 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City, TN, United States

Date: March 11th, 2024 Time: 6p.m.-8p.m. REGISTER HERE New to digital art & design? Just getting back into it? Whether you're new to the software or just need a refresher, this class is perfect for those interested in the basic interface, tools and common tasks in the programs. Photoshop is an essential tool and industry […]

Intro to Illustrator with Alice Salyer

Johnson City Center for Art & Technology (JCCAT) 714 W Walnut Street, Johnson City, TN, United States

Date: March 13th, 2024 Time:  6 p.m.-8 p.m. REGISTER HERE New to digital art & design? Just getting back into it? Whether you're new to the software or just need a refresher, this class is perfect for those interested in the basic interface, tools, and common tasks in the programs. Beef up your skills and […]