NOTE: We will offer two sessions of the same workshop on August 19. Both will have the same content, so sign up for only one!
Create Appalachia is proud to host this event as a collaboration with Shipshape Solutions.
A little more about Angie: Her first book, Unholy Mess: What the Bible Says about Clutter, was published on Amazon December, 2020. Her podcast with co-host Liana George, Uncluttered: Shaping Your Heart & Home for What Matters Most, was launched in January, 2023. (It’s recorded right here in our Streaming Media Lab at Create Appalachia!) Angie’s goal is to help listeners and readers simplify their lives so they can focus on what’s most important and spend time doing what they love.
Create Appalachia strives to make the our region a better place to live and work by supporting innovation and entrepreneurship centered around the arts and creativity. We work to sustain an environment that will generate new businesses, provide jobs in arts-based businesses, and highlight the important role that creativity plays in the region’s economic vitality